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In the future, the convergence of automotive and electronics will create a new and complex automotive system
About Richtek ▶ Product Newsletters ▶ Newsletter Issue 34
The RTQ2080-QF is a highly integrated PMIC designed for automotive camera applications
Products ▶ PMICs ▶ RTQ2080-QF
The RTQ2079-QF is a highly integrated PMIC designed for automotive camera applications
產品 ▶ 整合型電源管理 IC ▶ RTQ2079-QF
The RTQ2079-QA is a highly integrated PMIC designed for automotive camera applications
产品 ▶ 整合型电源管理 IC ▶ RTQ2079-QA
Power Management IC) in one single chip designed for Industrial/Automotive applications
Products ▶ PMICs ▶ RT2070
and one high PSRR low-dropout (LDO) regulator for automotive camera applications
Products ▶ PMICs ▶ RTQ2072-QT
and one high PSRR low-dropout (LDO) regulator for automotive camera applications
Products ▶ PMICs ▶ RTQ2076-QT