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1.5MHz, Synchronous Switch-Mode Buck Charger ► 92% Charge Efficiency at 2A from 5V Input and 3.8V Battery ► Support 3.9V to 13.5V Input Voltage Range
产品 ▶ 电池管理 ▶ 单节锂离子电池充电器 ▶ RT9470G
AC-DC Amplifiers Audio Battery Management BLDC Motor Drivers Gate Drivers
Products ▶ Battery Management ▶ Single Cell Li-ion Battery Chargers ▶ RT9514
1.5MHz, Synchronous Switch-Mode Buck Charger ► 92% Charge Efficiency at 2A with 5V Input and 3.8V Battery ► Support 3.9V to 13.5V Input Voltage
Products ▶ Battery Management ▶ Single Cell Li-ion Battery Chargers ▶ RT9471/RT9471D
is a switch-mode single cell Li-Ion/Li-Polymer battery charger for portable applications
Products ▶ Battery Management ▶ Single Cell Li-ion Battery Chargers ▶ RT9455
converter unit, a single-cell linear Li-ion battery charger, a charger type detector, and an I2C control
Products ▶ PMICs ▶ RT5072
The RT9527 is a low cost single-cell Li-ion charger for low current charge applications
Products ▶ Battery Management ▶ Single Cell Li-ion Battery Chargers ▶ RT9527
switch-mode operation efficiency, reduces battery charging time and extends battery life during discharging phase
Products ▶ Battery Management ▶ Single Cell Li-ion Battery Chargers ▶ RT9470/RT9470D
1.5MHz, Synchronous Switch-Mode Buck Charger► 92% Charge Efficiency at 2A with 5V Input and 3.8V Battery► Support 3.9V to 13.5V Input Voltage
產品 ▶ 電池管理 ▶ 單節鋰離子電池充電器 ▶ RT9472/RT9472D
unit, a single-cell linear Li+ ion battery charger, a charger type detector, and an I2C control interface
產品 ▶ 整合型電源管理 IC ▶ RT5024